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What you’ve heard from Ernesto is false. What he’s saying about what was said on Thursday’s show is only half true. Listen to the entire show — more remarks to follow.


What’s our goal:  An Equal Voice on KPFT.  It’s a good start.

Thank you all for participating in what has become an action of protection and perseverance.  First of all this dialog is self defense.  If we allow the “Alternative” media to marginalize our movement without even giving it the benefit of seeing the light of day, then how easy will it be for the MSM to do the same?  I’m sure all of you are aware that Constitutionalists, Paulists, Truthers are now part of a profiling programing initiated by Home Land Security.  Our only hope to turn the tide is to make our presence known. We must be visible, and we must be vocal.

I would discourage any personality “Piss Wars” for lack of a better phrase, with Ernesto and Leo.  This is not about them.  It’s about their paymasters.  It’s about the corporations who pay to have them there, and it’s also about a unsuspecting public who look to them as the source of truth and fairness.  We must put an end to Pacifica Radios deception.

Bottom line, stick to the issues, but engage them on all fronts, especially the heart of the beast which is Pacifica’s mother station, KPFA in San Francisco.  Emails, calls and person to person communication do us no good in this matter.  All dialogue must be public and accessible to the public.  Use the social media networks and the blogs.  Call the radio stations to speak on the air not person to person.  Allow this local squabble to become a national and international dialogue to bring awareness of the truth for many people who sorely need it.

I thank you for your time and for your help.


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…or as he said screaming into his microphone, you’ve got Alex Jones, leave us alone to solve the problems.  Are we supposed to think this is open-minded discussion?   Thanks for everyone who called in to the show today.   Despite Leo’s little performance, we made an impact, don’t think we didn’t, but as you know there is so much work to do.

Truthers who tried to call in to discuss last week’s show were only allowed to talk with call center workers to take donations.  Leo said several untrue statements such as you have to pay to read anything on which is not true.  He made references to notions that the truth movement is about placing blame and not about fixing the problem.  Finally, Gold said Truthers should stay off of KPFT and his show, as they have a place, Prison Planet.

What he doesn’t seem to understand, as we are not part of some social organization that sits around stroking each other about how right we are.  We have a commission as bearers of the truth to move our knowledge out of the shadows and into every corner of life in the US and abroad.  We have a platform in KPFT and Leo Gold.  Let’s not drop the ball here.  Let’s continue to press him and KPFT with the truth.  If he’s truly ignorant of the realities of this world, let’s educate him, if he refuses to look at the truth because of fear or because the truth comprimises his current standing in the community, then we have an obligation there as well.  This is a great opportunity to bring real change to the world.  Don’t let it pass us by.

The radio show that is now on the KPFT is not the show I’m speaking of here  (, but you should check back to find this show, make copies and send links to everyone involved, that is if they actually post the show.

FISH With the 5D Mark II

This is footage of the Downtown Aquarium in Houston shot with the 5D Mark II. Please check out the unbelievable clarity of the 5D.

Vodpod videos no longer available.

more about "FISH With the 5D Mark II", posted with vodpod

Ernesto’s Little Ploy

kpftglobe“Radio for Peace…if we agree with you!”

More from Ernesto, Program Director of KPFT:

Leo has expressed to you interest in discussing this issue on air. While I know you’ve written of Leo being ‘backed into a corner’ by your posting, I tend to agree with him that your efforts and feedback are of value. Thank you.

My response:

I’d be happy to make an appointment to come to the station and discuss this with Leo, yourself and anyone else face to face and on the air. Please let me know what time you would like me to be there.

I’ve only brought attention to a larger issue here Ernesto.  Let’s not forget so many issues have started because of one thing and then moved to larger issues.  The whole of the civil rights movement wasn’t about Rosa Parks having to give up her seat on the bus, however, it was the spark that lit a fire exposing a great many other injustices and larger issues.

There are lies by admission and lies by omission. Ernesto, you’re guilty of both but mostly the latter.   My initial question, which for whatever reason, you failed to transcribe was why Leo treated the caller with such disrespect.  If you don’t have the awareness to see that an injury was made to Sonny’s respect, then I doubt there is anything I can say to affect any positive changed in your flawed way of thinking.  So the correct thing for KPFT to say is:  Radio for peace, unless we don’t agree with you, then the gloves are off! How do you expect to be an agent for peace and have such contempt for others who don’t believe the same as you?

Ernesto, you’re in a dangerous position right now, because you are of the mindset that you can do no wrong.  History is filled with evil despots who in their own minds thought they were doing the right thing, and like you, they were experts in the art of pontificating their righteousness to the unsuspecting masses.  I’m sure in their own delusional state they believed they were on the side of right, and I’m sure that’s what you think as well.  I’m only here to let you know, you’re mistaken, and you need to wake up.

Dear Leo, we have no misunderstanding…

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This is Mr. Gold’s latest attempt to spin his hateful comments into love after reading my blog.  Here’s what he had to say:

“No.  You misunderstand the nature of things yet again.  YOU are generating the publicity by posting inflammatory notes (“KPFT HATES ALEX JONES”) on Jones websites.  You enjoy the inflammation; I get the publicity.  My note above speaks for itself and is in contrast to your portrayal of it.”  — Leo Gold

How could I be misconstruing things?  I’m quoting you verbatim.  These are your words, not mine.  In regards to your reaction, it is both cowardly and arrogant.  You make assertions and assumptions about members of the KPFT listening audience who pay you the respect of listening to your show and what do they get in return?  You label them as Conspiracy Theorists, and you do so in a very dangerous and very public way on KPFT in the middle of the day.

To ad further injury, you hang up on them first so you can tell them off without the threat of having to give any explanation for your assertions.  Then you have the temerity to do some half-assed damage control and sneak an email to me on the side merely because the GM of the station told you to, and I can’t help wondering if his swift action to the situation isn’t motivated by the pending fundraiser next week.  Let’s face it, you didn’t do it out the goodness of your heart.  You did it only because you were backed into a corner.

“Given that, I recommend that you stand down right now. But if not, that’s ok too, as; hits are way up and people are emailing like crazy that they loved yesterday’s show.” –Leo Gold

So I guess no press is bad press eh Leo..?  It seems you’re going to use this public relations blunder as a publicity franchise for yourself and for those at Pacifica.  So if I understand you correctly, you propose to capitalize on this love fest by deferring our little conversation until next week.  So the star attraction of your plea for dollars will be tar and feathering the crazy during during KPFT’s telethon.  So what’s the solution?   Do we continue to create a spotlight by giving patronage to your Facebook page so you can increase your stable of “friends” and ascend to the glorious position of Houston’s intellectually elite..?  No thanks Leo.  I’ve got a better idea…

To all the 9/11 Truthers, Patriots, Conspiracy Theorist, and so called “Nut Jobs” — I would like to suggest a course of action.  Stop being treated like a second class citizen.

The answer here is simple.  If you were outraged by Leo Gold’s comments, if you are tired of these one trick pony liberals with a lot nerve and a little bit of education labeling you as crazy  because you know the truth, then I ask you to take a stand.  I’m asking you, the conspiracy theorist, nut jobs who aren’t afraid to admit it, I want you to put your money where your mouth is and boycott the KPFT fund-raiser planned for next week.

As truthers, it’s time for us to ascend to the level of respect and dignity true patriots deserve.  These people have no intention of treating you with respect unless they have to.  Let’s make them.  It’s bad enough we as the truth movement endure petty ridicule from the likes of Geraldo or the ghouls on Fox and friends, but do we really have to take it from whiner like Leo Gold and his little two hour a week rant of superiority?  Now is the time to put and end to the sarcasm and heckling by a halfway house for so-called intellectual elitist and second-rate journalists.

If you reward institutions like Pacifica who ridicule you and therefore conceal the real truth, if you give them your ears, your time and God forbid, your money, then you are of the same disorganized thinking of a battered house wife.  Her husband beats her, screams at her and deprives her, yet she’s the first one to come to his defense when he’s in hand cuffs.  Cast off this slave mentality.   Walk tall, and claim your birthright as a citizen of the United States.

The answer here is simple.  Don’t give money to KPFT next week.  If you planned to make a donation, don’t.  Instead  support the institutions of truth where you are fed intellectually, like your local 9/11 truth movement, Ron Paul, Alex Jones David Eik.  Support those people who drape banners over the freeway bridges saying 9/11 was an inside job.  Support your local pastors, teachers or business men who have bravely taken a stand and have been held up to ridicule by two bit puppets and pin heads like Leo Gold.


CALL KPFT AT 713-526-5738

More from Mr. Gold on how things work in Leo’s World…

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“I have received your reply via Bill Crosier. You continue to refuse to address me directly. You are now demanding an apology. If you wanted an apology you could have asked for one directly from me before you placed a post on a Jones forum with the title “KPFT HATES ALEX JONES.” That is a clear attempt to inflame ill will in that community against the entire KPFT community and I will be sure to make listeners aware of it next week, as well as the managers whom you continue to ply for redress. In the meantime, I will review yesterday’s tape, which I have not yet done. If I feel you or anyone else is owed an apology, I will issue one – I have issued several apologies in the past and I don’t hesitate to do so when one is warranted. You might consider your own apology, which many at KPFT may feel you now owe.”  –Leo Gold

Let me be clear Leo — I’m not interested in your apology.  The community was inflamed when you decide to declare your caller a conspiracy theorist and and a “dangerous threat”.  The damage is done, and just because you’re sorry doesn’t erase what you’ve done.  As for me, all I have done is hold up a mirror, and apparently you don’t like what you see.  So as Michael Jackson says maybe you should start with the man in the mirror before you start pointing fingers at me.  I mean really…what did I do..?   I don’t have a radio show.  I’m not able to hang up on people and then hold them up to ridicule. However, you DO have a show even if it is only two hours a week.  You DO  hang up on people and then cowardly insult them behind in the safety of the KPFT control room.

When you referred to good people as “conspiracy theorist” and as “dangerous” in a weak attempt to discredit them, you marginalized an entire population of the country who have struggled to come to terms with what they know to be right.  They have bravely come forward to present their beliefs, and you marginalized and humiliated them in a very public manner, on the people’s air waves.  KPFT can air all the disclaimers they want, but they are the ones who provide the board, transmitter and tower so you might broadcast your little hate speech to the city of Houston and beyond.  Therefore, they can stand in league with you now.  Perhaps they should screen their air staff a bit more carefully.

On Thursday, you did not give the caller the benifit of addressing him privately. So Leo, I’m not going to extend that curtisy to you now.  This started in public, and it will now continue in public.  As KPFT continues to support you, this very public dialogue will include them as well.  One thing you should know.  The people of the Truth Movement are not some broken down marginalized slaves Mr. Gold.  We are people what have taken a stand against tyranny and people like yourself who are the mouth pieces of tyranny.  We won’t back down, because we can’t back down.  You’ll do well to remember that the next time you decide to engage in personal attacks on your radio show.

Please, from now on, don’t try to contact me directly with some back room apologies.  At the very least, show the same boldness you did when you slandered the character of your caller.  Make your statements in public, because we all want to hear what you have to say…

LEO GOLD: “I note that he (Alex Jones) is generally considered in MSM to be, verbatim, a “conspiracy theorist” …”

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An unrepentant Leo Gold says he stands by what he said.  Alex Jones is a conspiracy theorist and is dangerous.  He also ads he’s enjoying the publicity he’s getting for attacking Jones.

So this is Leo Gold’s response to my complaints about his conduct yesterday on KPFT 90.1.

I assume you are the irate Clint from yesterday’s show, who has now posted indictments of all of KPFT on various sites, and perhaps even left me an anonymous message at my employment accusing me of false things. It would have been easier to just send me an email directly, but you apparently seek a wider controversy. Fine, I seek a wider audience.

I spent time on Jones’ site last night. Afterward, I regard him as a fine businessman and a good host and a groundbreaker in independent hosting. I’m glad to learn about him, so I thank Sonny for that. I note that he is generally considered in MSM to be, verbatim, a “conspiracy theorist” the words I used after simply glancing at his home page. For what MSM is worth.

I am well aware that theorist/Paulist/libertarian types regards KPFT as a type of home, and it is not my intention to make anyone feel not at home. If I did that I regret it, though my evaluation is not much changed. At this time, my intention is to discuss this controversy, to the extent that there is one, on next week’s show. That seems to me to be the obvious course of action, although it will be tight given fund drive. Given that, I recommend that you stand down right now. But if not, that’s ok too, as; hits are way up and people are emailing like crazy that they loved yesterday’s show.

Leo Gold

I implore people of conscious to put preasure on KPFT to get this guy off the air.  If there are truthers who support KPFT with their dollars, let them know you don’t support front organizations of the NWO.

Hypocrisy Has Rendered KPFT and Pacifica Irrelevant


Today while driving back to the office after lunch, I listened to KPFT 90.1 FM in Houston.  For those of you who don’t know, this is a Pacifica radio affiliate.  Now if you’re not aware, KPFT’s mission statement says amongst other things the following:

“In radio broadcasting operations to promote the full distribution of public information; to obtain access to sources of news not commonly brought together in the same medium; and to employ such varied sources in the public presentation of accurate, objective, comprehensive news on all matters vitally affecting the community.”

Also, on the KPFT website, they have a code of conduct.  Here are the first two rules of the code as they are published on their website:

  1. Treat other people as you would like to be treated yourself.
  2. Verbal and physical attacks are not tolerated on Pacifica and KPFT property, or at KPFT and Pacifica events and meetings.

For these reasons and others, I have supported the radio station with my listenership and donations with the impression that KPFT continues to uphold these ideas.  This is why I was so taken back when listening to the “The New Capital Show”  which airs on Thursdays between 3 and 4PM.  The host, Leo Gold, was preaching about the need for critics to shut up and get on board with the policy of the current presidential administration.  He took a call from a man who was very polite, well spoken and informative who wanted to inform listeners about Alex Jones’ new documentary, “Fall of the Republic”.

In a curt manner Gold hung up with the man and then entered into a tirade that the man was a sneak, and some how called his show to slip in false and dangerous information that could harm his listeners — as if they didn’t have the ability to decide for themselves.  I was totally thrown, because this level of disrespect is outside my experience with KPFT.  So I called in, and challenged Leo on his treatment of the caller.  He became angered and eventually hung up on me as well for daring to question his authority.  So I wrote him the following letter, and posted on KPFT’s site, who removed it instantly, so now I’m sharing it with you.  Please let me know your thoughts.

Letter to Leo Gold of KPFT/Pacifica Radio

Letter to KPFT’s Leo Gold of the New Capital Show

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Leo Gold

Mr. Gold:

I called your show today 10/22/09, and I would like to echo what I said when I called, and my hope is you hear me this time instead of just hanging up the phone because you don’t agree.

I want to express my dismay at the level of close-minded rhetoric on your show today. I think the way in which you treated the caller whom you labeled a “conspiracy theorist”, after you disconnected him I might ad, is deplorable.  It is patriotic to question the official story about everything.  As a matter of fact, that’s the commission the founding fathers gave us.

This level of intolerance is similar to McCarthyism as labeling someone as a Conspiracy Theorist is the same as labeling someone a Communist in the 1950s.  It’s a phrase one can say to instantly discredit someone without the burden of having to evaluate the level of truth in their words.

As a journalist, you have a mandate to question the official story.  This level of intolerance is an outrage to a radio station that claims to stand for peace or at the very least open-minded dialog where callers will be treated with respect and basic human dignity.  Instead, you said the following, (paraphrased):  “Don’t be fooled this man is a sneek, What he said was wrong, he’s crazy, danger!  DANGER! Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain!”

Without even giving the caller the respect to respond to your slander, you cowardly make a blanket statement to your listeners discrediting him after you disconnect him.  You say the man is a sneak, a conspiracy theorist and everything he said was paranoid, insane and even dangerous.

Even if you don’t agree with him, you might seek a better way to disagree with your callers that falls in line with the principles of human dignity.

My personal opinion is that you are abusing the gift of the airtime you have been given for your show.  Airtime that I help pay for – it isn’t yours to do with what you will.

Therefore, because of this outrage, I will not support KPFT as a listener or as a donor this year.  I will invest my time and money I have previously allotted for “peace” to some place that knows a little bit better about what peace really is.

Perhaps you should read these words by President Kennedy regarding the responsibility of journalist.

The President and the Press: Address before the American Newspaper Publishers Association